Playing With Matches

What started as a means of chronicling the online dating experiences of two picky yet adventurous almost thirty somethings has turned into a chronicle of all that is, was and has made up their collective dating histories. Our two original daters are now joined by several other fun, breezy, sassy gals, and Playing With Matches is now a missive on dating misadventures, a cacophony of ups and downs, turmoil and bliss. With a bit of snark mixed in here and there.

Monday, August 21, 2006

greetings! men are weird.

Well here I am...bear with my first posting. It may be a little choppy and incoherent as I get used to the blogging thing. I'm used to the email genre so it may take awhile of me testing the waters before i let the full rj come out. I seem to be a magnet though for bizarre occurences and encounters. Below is the most recent...and I apologize...not the most interesting. But I'd like to know how many others identify with this and would love to hear of other like scenarios.

Don't worry...I have tons of stuff to relate..and as I am still single and most recently 30, i'm sure more scintillating stories are still to come.

There is something that almost always happens to me, and apparently others as well who are "out there dating". It may be that you wear a baseball cap and flops to a club, or forget to brush your hair before you run to the grocery store, or, my personal favorite, are sweating profusely on top some torture machine at the gym. All of you daters, and the former daters know what I"m going to say...this is the moment a man, usually attractive, decides it is the right time to approach. Maybe even attempt a little conversation.

What makes men think this is okay? Maybe the cap girl at the club seems a little more down to earth, and the grocery store girl..well maybe she's not too high maintenance...BUT COME ON...there is something a little sick and perverse about the gym. Not only are we incredible vulnerable and immediately obsess about sweating/no make up and whether or not the deodorant was reapplied BUT we are not listening to you. We are looking at the little numbers wishing they would hurry up and get to 30:00. We are concentrating on not breathing too hard as we make little noises and nod to what we are not hearing you say.


Recently, I had a "grocery store" incident, though it actually occurred at the 7-11. My outfit was casual, consisting of low slung jeans, old tee and my hair in pony tail...nothing too bad. THE KICKER: I had broken out that week and was not wearing makeup as to give my skin a break. Yes, splotchy mess is a perfect description. I was not planning on seeing anyone the rest of day as I was about to make a four hour drive to Miami. There was no need for makeup, so I thought.

I'm pumping gas and I look up as a car pulls in to the pump across from me. The man gets out and I immediately take note. Not gorgeous, but definitely worth a double take in these lean times. Next thing I know he turns around and says to me "You know what I"m going to ask". I, resembling a deer in headlights, nod and state "no" simultaneously. Oh yeah. No makeup + dumbfounded expression does NOT equal me pretty in anyone's estimation. He prods "Yes, you do." But by now I have recovered to cast out a semi-hoighty "No, I"m quite sure I don't"

He grins. I stare back.

He then points to my Civic and says "What kind of gas mileage does this thing get?" Um. What? How would I know this?

So I respond "i don't have any clue" and he proceeds to give me some mathematical equation and instructions on how to figure it out. My eyes must have glazed over though because he then stated "i guess i'm getting too detailed"

HA. So now I'm not just dumbfounded, I have officially been determined "dumb".

So I respond, "Doesn't sound too hard, I just figure it takes me much longer than others to have to fill my tank so I'm good" Or something to that effect. He goes about his business and I go about mine and then head into store to get my drinks for the road.

By the time I get out of store, he is safely pumping gas at his own car. I quickly grab my old water bottle and head to garbage thinking I have enough time to throw this away and get in my car and on the road before he is done at the pump. NO SUCH LUCK. I turn around from the garbage can and HE IS RIGHT THERE.

He says "you want to do something sometime?" i say "i guess".

He just looks at me.

I'm cool now so I say "don't you need my number?" he looks confused and runs back to his car apparently for cell. he comes back with cell and gets number. He asks where I"m going. I say Miami for job interview. He's like "i'll keep my fingers crossed you don't get it and don't move".

um. what?

He never called.



Blogger Washington Cube said...

Welcome to the blogging community.

5:03 PM  
Blogger Freckled K said...


Judging by his awkward approach, the man has very little game. He probably didn't call because wasn't able to psych himself up enough to do so.

9:03 AM  
Blogger romance junkie said...

excellent point. and maybe it's because i'm a lazy dater these days and tend to project laziness onto others as well..i don't put forth much, if any, effort unless i'm thoroughly intrigued.

3:20 PM  
Blogger Reluctant Dater said...

ah, yes, rj...but at least you're dating. i'm coming up on the one year breakup anniversary and have not much to show for the time alone...except a foray into online dating, this blog, and an unrequited cynicism.

3:26 PM  

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