Playing With Matches

What started as a means of chronicling the online dating experiences of two picky yet adventurous almost thirty somethings has turned into a chronicle of all that is, was and has made up their collective dating histories. Our two original daters are now joined by several other fun, breezy, sassy gals, and Playing With Matches is now a missive on dating misadventures, a cacophony of ups and downs, turmoil and bliss. With a bit of snark mixed in here and there.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

A Request for Interpretation

I excel at the art of email correspondence. I also am quite accomplished at what I like to call "e flirting." I pride myself on these skills. Through a recent flirtatious "relationship" established over many months of email exchanges (a "relationship" not originating from an online Internet dating service I would like to add), I have established the following basic rules of e flirting:

1. When attempting to be sarcastic, always indicate that intent so that the recipient does not think you are being mean. This may become less necessary as the object of your e flirting becomes more accustomed to your sense of humor.

2. Always include a few questions within the text of your email. This serves several purposes. First, it gives the recipient a reason to respond. Secondly, it demonstrates that you actually care about the other party.

3. Long emails can be indicative of interest. While short emails may or may not indicate disinterest (because LBH, we are professionals, we do have careers, and sometimes we cannot spend hours crafting responses), longer emails generally do indicate one "likes" the prospective recipient.

Now, I have been corresponding as of late with a fellow Internet dater we'll call "my new boyfriend" (hereinafter "MNB") even though he's not "really" my new boyfriend (yet). Based on his profile, he seems to be perfect...the male version of me if you will. So we've been emailing back and forth a bit. The first few exchanges included questions. And then, I received the most recent correspondence. It's very that seems to bode well. Why spend a lot of time on an email if you have no interest in the recipient? But, it's pretty much sans questions...which is interesting. Am I only to respond to his own commentary? By failing to ask questions, does this mean he really doesn't want to receive a reply? And then there's a sentence which alludes to future emails...saving a story for another time...which to me implies a desire to continue correspondence.

So because I am interested in receiving feedback, I'll be quite clear....I'll ask you (faithful readers and friends) the following questions:

  1. Is he interested or not?
  2. Does he really want a response?
  3. Does his failure to ask questions indicate some sort of character flaw (for example, is he self centered)?
  4. And, most importantly am I (as I think I may be) simply overanalyzing?


Blogger Melissa said...

I'd be more than happy to help, but I suck at dating. See my blog for oh, the past almost year. Suck is an understatement.

11:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. yes, if even just a little bit.
2. maybe he just needed to vent? or he's trying to impress you? this is tough without knowing the content of his ramblings.
3. hmm. does he normally ask questions? it might be that he feels like you guys have a relationship so he is comfortable letting you in on some of the other aspects of his life? again...not knowing content..not an easy call.
4. absolutely.

7:43 AM  
Blogger HomeImprovementNinja said...

1. Is he interested or not?
If he replies w/i a day or two and then comes off with this long one, I would say yes. But key is has he asked to meet/call you yet? If not, after, say 5-6 emails, then he may not be or maybe he just likes penpals.

2. Does he really want a response?
Why don't you write to him about something unrelated to his monologue.

3.Does his failure to ask questions indicate some sort of character flaw (for example, is he self centered)?
Possibly. You won't tell until you meet. If his "anecdotes" seem rehearsed and unrelated to what you are talking about then he is self-centered and likes his dates to be sounding boards.

And, most importantly am I (as I think I may be) simply overanalyzing?
Yes, but you're a chick. The overanalyze gene is recessive and rests on the X chromosone, so you can't help yourself. But if he digs you, he won't care if you call/write a lot. That only bothers us when we are indifferent or not interested.

8:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh i like that last comment...because i unfortunately might have done what is yet to be determined as a fatal action...

i hinted around (as only us manipulative girls, and by manipulative i am mean cowardly can do) that i wanted to see each other more than once a week. and when got no response became frustrated and demanded it.

*sigh* no wonder i'm single with 30 just around the corner.

2:07 PM  

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