Playing With Matches

What started as a means of chronicling the online dating experiences of two picky yet adventurous almost thirty somethings has turned into a chronicle of all that is, was and has made up their collective dating histories. Our two original daters are now joined by several other fun, breezy, sassy gals, and Playing With Matches is now a missive on dating misadventures, a cacophony of ups and downs, turmoil and bliss. With a bit of snark mixed in here and there.

Monday, April 03, 2006

The Time Has Come.

Following in the footsteps of Objection, I have a date tomorrow (but, obvi, not with the same guy…I mean, we copy each other, but not to that extent). Said date called last night and we talked for an hour…thank goodness for DVR and OnDemand, or I may not have answered the phone. It was a good conversation, very easygoing, no awkward silences, lots of laughter. Bodes well for tomorrow, I suppose.

I’ll admit, I’m a bit nervous. Here’s the deal. I hate going on dates with people I don’t know. Huh, you might be saying…that makes no sense, I know. Generally, people date people they don’t know. I am quite the opposite. I typically date people I already know, those who are my friends already or on their way to being my friends or friends with people with whom I am friends (note: “date” is used very loosely here). It’s weird how it has so consistently happened this way, but it has. Before the first “date,” there has always been a good getting to know you period. Maybe that is the common denominator in all these failed relationships.

This is not to say I’ve never gone on dates with people I don’t know. Let me take you back in Reluctant Dater’s history, to a time when another friend convinced her that Speed Dating was a good idea.

It was not.

From that experience (20 dates in an hour!) I wrangled myself two dates. These two were the lesser of the evils. On date #1, I knew from the moment he walked into the restaurant that it wasn’t going to be fun or worthwhile. The conversation was agonizing. He had bad table manners. He did not know what lobster bisque was. I had to decline an offer for dessert (and I heart dessert a lot, especially at the restaurant where we were dining) and said these exact words: “I really need to leave within the next five minutes because The Bachelor is on at 9.” And so it went.

The next one was even worse. I should’ve known when he told me dinner would be at TGIF that something was awry. Um, TGIF at the mall, no less. So I get there first (of course) and he walks in and I don’t even recognize him because it’s been kind of a long time since we met. He’s shorter than I thought. Damn speed dating and its “sit down and chat” concept. So five minutes into our dinner conversation he finds out I’ve never been to Spain. He then proceeds to say “Oh, I’ll take you there in the spring. We’ll have the best time.” No we won’t, because I am never going out with you again. The whole rest of the date consisted of him making plans for our future together. Now, I know I’m a catch, but come on, Buddy. The next day happened to be New Year’s Eve. He asked my plans. I told him I had some (I kind of sort of did) and he insisted I meet him for a drink beforehand. I politely declined. He kept saying “if you change your mind” and “if your plans change” and comments to that effect. Finally, finally, finally the date was over. I was free.

Until midnight the next night when he called (I didn’t answer) and said “Happy New Year! I really can’t wait to spend lots and lots of time with you this year. I hope you’re having a great night. Call me later.” Um, I’ve never called you before. I’m not going to call you. You are freaky and creepy and scary. Whatever happened to “where’d you go to school” or “where’d you grow up”?

The worst part was, I did “break up” with him (I say that because obviously we were in a relationship…to him) over email and he just did not get it. He kept calling. And emailing. And calling. And emailing. Finally the poor kid got the picture.

Here’s to hoping this date goes at least a little bit better than either of those.


Blogger Emily said...

Wow, I was going to try speed dating at some point, but now maybe not! Can't believe a guy took you to TGIF on your first date. One reason I moved from the midwest to DC was so that I could avoid places like TGIF.
Getting to know someone as well as possible before dating or hooking up is a good strategy. It's not a guarantee for a successful relationship, but I know what you mean about the awkwardness, nervousness, and frequent dissapointments of blind dates and online dating. I've decided that I will not meet the best guys for me online. But keep at it and maybe you'll have better luck than me.

11:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh come on. i'm dating someone...and our first "date" was bennigans...but each date gets better...and i mean really would you spend a lot of money on a girl you don't know and met online or speed dating and aren't even really sure they are cute before you get there...i sure wouldn't...adn i know a lot of men that "date" and i know they have tiers of restaurants...really interested they pull out all the stops...not sure if liek them...mid range...don't know if they really look like their pic...well they'll still pick up the tab...but not anywhere close to fancy...i can't blame them really..nothing wrong with fridays...if you have a connection i bet the next date will be better..because then he will have a better idea of what sort of places you like/enjoy etc.

12:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh oh tonight is the big night!

10:34 AM  

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