Playing With Matches

What started as a means of chronicling the online dating experiences of two picky yet adventurous almost thirty somethings has turned into a chronicle of all that is, was and has made up their collective dating histories. Our two original daters are now joined by several other fun, breezy, sassy gals, and Playing With Matches is now a missive on dating misadventures, a cacophony of ups and downs, turmoil and bliss. With a bit of snark mixed in here and there.

Friday, September 29, 2006

I am Afraid.

It's true. This unlucky in love gal is only unlucky because she chooses to be...

I have been watching the Wedding Date a lot recently and it has creeped into my pshyche and caused me to analyze my own life...not so pretty. The dad talks about this theory that every woman's love life is exactly what she wants. UM WHAT? Do I seriously want bad dates and/or no dates for extended periods of time in which I then just pick one of my dates to be a semi-on-the-path-to-maybe-boyfriend-status (which in RJ terms gives the okay for bedsport) randomly without really paying attention to compatibility. Then act traumatized when it ends (because RJ does like to be dramatic at times) when in all actuality I knew it would never go anywhere in the first place...

OMG. I do. It has been what I want.

And I know why now. It took a bottle of wine and a few cigarettes (on the down low...i do not smoke without drink in hand) to come to terms with the reasons behind, for and how I have gone down this path...

4 years ago I fell in love. I did. I couldn't believe it and because I couldn't believe it I left, went about my business. It shortly after fell apart and because I'm RJ and tend to find someone else to heal hurts rather than internalizing the pain and getting through it...I moved on...with a very innappropriate that has been mentioned earlier and had tons of red flags. But if we are honest, red flags is what I wanted, what I needed. Why spend time with someone that could actually lead to something? Then I might get hurt.

He moved a new girl..has been with her since. Would guess it is serious but he refuses to talk to me about her...I learned her name after they were together 2 years from one of his friends.

So it is FOUR years later. We kind of keep in touch. I teased for the first two years that we couldn't seem to break up. I would consciously break contact only for him to call me out of the blue.

This past Christmas I sent a card. It was so childish. I signed it "Always, RJ XOXO". I figured that would end it...we aren't allowed to talk on the phone as the new girl saw my number on recent calls and got angry...i figured the card would finally END it. Cowardly. I know. I still cringe.

Months went by but in July I heard from him. He even linked me to a current picture of him. My stomach got butterflies.


He has been my one I won't let go.

I think it is time I do...

So readers...I am going out tonight with a new mindset. I am open to all men and possibilities. I am going to actually date-with-purpose for the first time in four years. No more looking for filler or playing around with what-ifs.


Blogger Melissa said...

Hey...I had no idea you kids were still blogging. Sometime in summer there were several weeks of not writing, talks of people quitting, and I figured you were done. So I delinked you. Oops. Sorry. My bad. Shall fix that.

Anyway - don't let these people suck your time and love-energy away! Get rid of him! Wash that man outta your hair or whatever. You've got the right idea.

2:14 PM  
Blogger Reluctant Dater said...

welcome back, velvet! we did kind of lose our luster for a while as my cynicism went out of control and objection was in a relationship which provoked the "should i or shouldn't i write" dilemma.

anyway, rj...i cringe every time i see that scene in wedding date. seriously CRINGE. because i know it's true, too. i'm the biggest sabateur (sabotager?) in the world. i know this. it's so bad that my mother told me yesterday, regarding rcb, "don't mess it up this time." hmph.

4:17 PM  
Blogger allan said...

RJ -- we all have that ONE. That person who, for whatever reason, we can't get over, that we secretly compare all others to, that keep us distant.

I had a friend who spent many years and went through many men trying to get over the one. What finally did it for her (not saying this applies universally) was meeting a guy who was very talented in the arena of "bedsport".

That was what she had been missing with these other guys and once she found it again, she knew it was out there.

4:32 PM  
Blogger Objection said...

Hang in there RJ. As I've said before, or rather as the kids on The Hills said and I quoted, we all have that guy we can't get over. I'm going to concur a bit with Allan. I keep thinking if I could find another equally as ... well, talented as FWB, I too might be able to truly move on.

7:28 AM  

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