My Boy (reference to the TBS show)
There’s a guy, a fellow doctor, with whom I’ve become good friends through work. From the minute I first met him over this past summer I was attracted to him and for the past 7 months we have spent almost every weekend that we’ve both been in town for together, and some days during the week, along with our core group of 2-3 other friends. What has happened since has been the development of a close friendship while he’s continued to casually date (never seeing more than two or three times because he breaks up with them) women he meets online (and I've casually dated as well). He is concerned about major events in my life and always calls me to see how I am doing when I am away on business trips. None of my other guy friends and I do this – hey, we’ll be having beers in a week. I have dated no one seriously both since we met and since my break-up with Flyboy last June (sad, I know, but I’m scared!) And while I believe there’s a definite mutual chemistry that’s evolved between the two of us, he has never taken the initiative to spend time with me alone.
Yesterday this guy expressed to me in conversation the fact that he’s incredibly insecure, and afraid of pursuing a real relationship because he fears a woman he’s extremely into will ultimately reject him, implying that he toys around with online dating in order to feel like he’s really in the dating game when the truth is he’s not at all secure enough to be. I'm not at all cocky, but as we talked about this stuff, he made eye contact the whole time, blushed, and touched me, all indications that he might be slightly more into me. My question to you readers is – how do I broach this subject, and, more importantly, do I broach it?
From our friendship, I know there are many reasons why we would make a good couple (we have a ton in common both value and personality wise, right down to our deep seated insecurities and history of having been late bloomers in dating). I feel a physical attraction. My rational mind (which has read HJNTIY) tells me if he were into me, he would have made a move by now as he’s a guy and clearly capable of doing so, that I’ve simply been put in that 'just friends' category. The truth is that, on occasion, I’ve become slightly angry at him for not having acted sooner, and probably acted colder than I’ve wanted to towards him, as a result, perhaps driving him away? My less rational (i.e. emotional) mind says this guy and I could be very good for each other, we have great conversations, he eases the stress of my normally taxing workday, I think I do the same for him, and we connect emotionally (and physically, well, in my fantasies, at least).
If you’ve read my past posts that involve fwb, he does NOT know about him - fwb has since left the area, gone overseas, in fact. Also things with my male friend (see December 19th post) who I was seeing over the holidays never sizzled, mostly due to my lack of attraction, so that issue is a non-issue as well…
The more I think about it, the more I just freeze… What’s a girl to do (if anything)? Relationships are hard enough, but potentially putting a friendship on the line is even harder.
I think you need tough love: He's not into you. If he were, he would date you instead of going out with other women and telling you about it.
He thinks that because he is a doctor he is entitled to date girls who look like they could tropy wives. I'm sure you're smart, funny, blah blah blah, but he doesn't want that. He wants the girls who ignored him in high school and undergrad.
If he only goes out with them a couple of times (for sex) then it's really irellevant to him whether they are successful too, or whether they work as a masseuse in a thai massage parlor.
He is friendly with you because that's what friends do. I think you should move on. You won't be able to meet anyone as long as your lugging his corpse around.
ninja: you may very well be right - the sad truth might be that i may not be the type of woman who "works" for him. he is not sleeping with any these women though (i am 100% sure - we're talking serious intimacy issues), i have been the one who has done so since we've been friends. while many guys in his position go on to overcompensate & become players, he hasn't... yet anyways.
I am in agreement with H.I. Ninja. You should "tough love" him.
I personally don't understand why a doctor would seek trophy-dates, rather than a woman who is his professional equal (I far prefer to date lawyers, doctors, and other professionals). It does sound right when you state he is "incredibly insecure."
I would be willing to bet that, if you polled the male readers of this blog, none of them would believe that he frequently dates women 2-3 times, and breaks up with them prior to having sex. If he has serious "intimacy" issues, why would he be truthful when talking with you about such an intimate issue?? Still, you are in a better position to judge his veracity than me -- so maybe I am wrong.
Still, there is nothing to be lost by attempting to pursue a relationship with him -- better to try and fail than not to try at all -- I would just be very careful!!
I see two options here. HIN and Starboard Tack could be right and he's not that into you, or he maybe he's being honest with you when he says he has no balls. The attention he seems to have paid you as friends makes me think it's honesty. My advice? Kiss him. You'll have your answer then.
male input much appreciated!
starboard tack: can't say i get the whole trophy girl/wife concept either, but it does seem to be a pattern with some males. honestly i don't know if i believe the no sex thing 100% myself, but it is a joke amongst he and our male friends that he never sleeps with these girls, and i doubt it is all for my benefit (or those of my equally hot, fun, smart & single friends).
lmntal: i think he is being honest, this guy's a shrink in training, so he enjoys thinking deeply about these things. i don't know if he's just talking to me because i listen or whether it means something. i don't know if i have the "balls" (ovaries?) to swoop in for a kiss - yikes. i may be a strong career-oriented woman, but i still like the guy to take the initiative when kissing is concerned, at least in the beginning... he should be able to, if he's into it, right?
i think that is the first time i've seen,heard, etc. that someone wants to date a professional...a lawyer especially.
most of my guy friends tell me they would never date a lawyer.
RJ, I like to date professional girls. My last GF had a PhD. But only if they are attractive, if she's not cute, I don't care how smart she is. I think SOME men are intimidated by someone who is makes more money than them. (but not nearly as many as girls with personality issues would have you believe).
But I probably wouldn't date a lawyer--especially a litigator. Talk about assholes.
Yeah, I totally agree. Lawyers are scum, especially female lawyers.
Dr. Strangelove, I think you should go for it. Perhaps an uninitiated kiss is too forward, but an invitation to cook dinner for him or do a mutually enjoyable activity, like take a hike, etc. would be a demonstration that you are interested in spending time with him. Maybe HE will get the hint and have the guts to initiate becoming more than friends.
I agree with Starboard - no regrets. Good luck, sweetie!
Not all female lawyers are scum. I've dated two really nice ones (fyi, I am not a lawyer nor a doctor) -- but admittedly, the two had non-litigation jobs (one worked for the EPA to ensure clean up of toxic waste sites).
Dr. Strangelove: I remain with Desperate Housewife. No regrets -- don't ever look back and wish you had tried. Good Luck.
Starboard, I am a recovering female attorney. Thanks for the validation.
i'm a litigator, i fear there is no hope for me...
i agree with the tough love advice above...
Romance Junkie:I certainly didn't say I wouldn't date a litigator -- just that the two I dated were not.
Trust me, there are a lot of self-confident guys out there who prefer to date smart, confident professional women. When we first meet a woman -- and discover that she is a doctor or lawyer -- that is a GOOD sign, as it is a clear indication that she is intelligent.
While I agree that the vast majority of men would not date a lawyer (or a doctor), there is still a substantial number who would actually prefer to...
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