Playing With Matches

What started as a means of chronicling the online dating experiences of two picky yet adventurous almost thirty somethings has turned into a chronicle of all that is, was and has made up their collective dating histories. Our two original daters are now joined by several other fun, breezy, sassy gals, and Playing With Matches is now a missive on dating misadventures, a cacophony of ups and downs, turmoil and bliss. With a bit of snark mixed in here and there.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

A weekend of milestones.

If we even have any readers left...

So this weekend I am set to enter into my fourth decade of life. Fourth. Effing. Decade. My how time has flown.

This weekend also marks RCB's indoctrination into all that is RD's family. Bringing my cute little blue-eyed boyfriend into a sea of all things brown (and I mean that in a totally non-stereotypical way) is going to be interesting. While I grew up in what was essentially a very American household, my upbringing was not without cultural and ethnic touches that I am still learning to appreciate. It's funny, because those who are brought into the inner circle are much more open to these traditions and tastes and smells and ideas than I am. But, alas, this is not the point.

The point is that RCB will be spending Easter with me and 35 of my closest relatives. At the home of an uncle he has never met. And it is I, not he, who is nervous. Why, I am not entirely certain.

Perhaps we can start with the fact that walking into a room with 35 strangers is slightly overwhelming, even to the most seasoned socialite. Add the inevitability of foreign tongues being spoken, the assured interest in "OhLookRDHasABoyfriend" and the constant shoving of food and drink into RCB's hands and face and you've got quite an interesting afternoon ahead of you.

I have no doubt that everyone will be welcoming. We are a tight knit bunch, so I am not going to deny that there will be some judgment and appraisal going on simultaneous to the good cheer and welcoming hugs.

But, it is also the beginning of my fourth decade and, lbh, the first time an RCB type has made his way over the threshold for an official RD family holiday. Maybe they'll cut me some slack.


Blogger romance junkie said...

i'm sure it will be fine..and now is a good enough time as any to know what he is in for with the fam;)

i'm always nervous inviting a guy to big family functions. especially if there is drinking involved...and not so much that he will be embarrassed...but that i will...

3:29 PM  
Blogger Sara said...

RD, you're right--a lot of this is in our heads. Growing up brown as well, I was more nervous about the different culture that my friends would be exposed to and it always ended up fine.

It is definitely overwhelming to meet that many new people, especially a tight knit group, but the important thing is that he's even there in the first place and not avoiding it.

5:13 PM  
Blogger Miss Scarlet said...

Oooooh, milestones! I'm sure it will go well:)

8:25 AM  
Blogger romance junkie said...

so give us the scoop!!!!!

8:26 AM  

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