Playing With Matches

What started as a means of chronicling the online dating experiences of two picky yet adventurous almost thirty somethings has turned into a chronicle of all that is, was and has made up their collective dating histories. Our two original daters are now joined by several other fun, breezy, sassy gals, and Playing With Matches is now a missive on dating misadventures, a cacophony of ups and downs, turmoil and bliss. With a bit of snark mixed in here and there.

Saturday, September 09, 2006


I'm am loving the optimism and openness for new experiences that is coming back to this blog.

Objection has ended one relationship but still looks forward to bad dates and silly men that may or may not come into her life. I"m wondering if she'll once again try to make a "match" of it...

and RD! Two voice messages coming right after a CONFRONTATION. Blows my mind! Soon RD will call this gal from sunny florida (hopefully before GAMEDAY begins) and give her all the scoop.

And now me. If you read this blog often, you may have noticed that I did not update you all on the party last Sunday. In fact, I haven't blogged much in over a week. So I will apologize right now and hopefully be better at blogging from now on. I've actually not had a lot to blog about. The funk prior to the party lingered on...I didn't meet any one at the party...and it was my own fault. There were plenty of single men. But what did I do? I sat in a corner at a table talking to people I already knew...L.A.M.E.

And actually it would have been okay had I woken up Monday morning and the funk was over. BUT NO.

Tuesday I perked up a little when a really good looking man at a meeting (married unfortunately, but eye candy nonetheless) responded to my dress code question with "the shorter the better".

But it took til yesterday for me to FINALLY shake off the funk and become once again a women open to flirtation and lingering glances. Yesterday, at the golf tournament.

Yes readers, i have become one of THOSE women. The kind that aren't happy and do not feel good about themselves and go into a"funk" when they have not received positive male appreciation and/or what amounted for me about two days.

Ridiculous. When did I become this woman? Have I always been this way?

This is not a pleasant realization.


Blogger Frankly, Scarlett said...

Doll, I'm so sorry :-( There's nothing wrong with needed a little validation now and then. We all do. It doesnt mean you're week or needy or have self esteem issues, it just means you needed a little pickme up that can't be found in the corner rite aid :)

Hang in there!

1:53 PM  
Blogger jo said...

oh i admit that sometimes i'm one of THOSE women. it's worst when all your cute girl friends are getting hit on by guys and you're kinda left alone in the club NOT getting hit on. well everyone has one of those insecure days...

11:49 AM  

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