Playing With Matches

What started as a means of chronicling the online dating experiences of two picky yet adventurous almost thirty somethings has turned into a chronicle of all that is, was and has made up their collective dating histories. Our two original daters are now joined by several other fun, breezy, sassy gals, and Playing With Matches is now a missive on dating misadventures, a cacophony of ups and downs, turmoil and bliss. With a bit of snark mixed in here and there.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Called Out.

So, Starboard Tack called us out in his blog from today...said we girls have been silent.


We have. And, hopefully, the rest of my blogettes will get back on the bandwagon. Or else.

In the meantime, I can fill you in on the life and times of RD and RCB. Our trip north was better than I could have ever imagined. I was greeted with hugs and a birthday cake with my name on it. The entire family was welcoming and sweet and I never, for one second, felt the least bit uncomfortable or insecure. The whole four days I was with them.

I was, admittedly, a tad bit "worried" that RCB would be a bit reserved around his family; in other words, my usual feeling of putting out a "hands to yourself" rule would not be in effect. It turns out he was just as, if not more so, affectionate than usual. There was no lacking in the hand holding, random hugs, kiss on the top of the head moments. Does this show comfort?

Though it was a family weekend, we were able to get in some alone time, which was nice. All in all, the whole experience was better than I could have imagined and, scarily enough, I could see many such similar weekends in my future.

He has been beyond wonderful lately and I'm not even scared by it. He says what he's feeling when he's feeling it and I like that. We have definitely reached a new level these past few weeks, with all the family stuff we've been doing. We are now really a we. He said it best the other night: "RD, it's not just you and me any more. Now it's us."

We are an us.


Blogger Miss Scarlet said...

Oh wow...I love this! You two sound so cute.

6:15 PM  
Blogger Starboard Tack said...

Reluctant Dater: When you first started posting about RCB, I was dead certain that it would never work out. Later, I was even more certain. I almost posted an "I told you so..."

But now, I am realizing I was wrong, and I am surprised at how great things are going for you -- and truly pleased and happy for you.

I really am very, very happy for you!

8:57 PM  
Blogger romance junkie said...

but the burning question is...

did you sleep in the same bed???


7:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

with only three bedrooms in the house and no suitable couch on which anyone (even 5 foot me) could sleep comfortably, we had no choice BUT to sleep in the same room, in the same bed. don't tell my mom.

8:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's so refreshing to date a guy who doesn't play the head or guessing games, isn't it? the only problem I have is that he and I are both liek that so things can have a tendency to get more tense than usual. But then qwe talk it through and everything works out in the end.

12:44 PM  

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