"What I Did for 'Love'"
So, upon reading Reluctant Dater's most recent blog, I was struck by her commentary regarding Sunday afternoons spent watching golf in anticipation of future conversation. This made me reflect upon my own dating history and topics in which I have pretended to possess an interest merely so that I could carry on a conversation.
1. NASCAR -- For those of you who actually know me, you realize how amusing this is. However, back in the day, I once dated a young man who did not meet with my mother's approval. In attempting to justify why this guy was a perfect fit, I stated, "Well, he likes NASCAR, and that's good...for Dad."
2. Fishing -- Um, yeah. I've never really fished, but the same NASCAR fan was also a fisheries major at VA Tech. I actually once watched a Saturday morning television show re: fishing during the time that this gentleman was of interest. That, my friends, is true love or desperation -- you be the judge.
3. Lacrosse -- Perhaps the earliest example of my dedication to "love." Yes, in high school my BF (who wasn't actually a true BF until college, but I hearted him even in high school), played lacrosse. And, in an attempt to win his affection, I decided to attend his lacrosse game...except, I didn't know the rules of lacrosse. So, wanting to appear savvy, I spent an hour or so perusing the rules of lacrosse in the library. Yeah, I'm crazy.
The bottom line, I think, is that we should be true to ourselves. That's not to say we don't adopt some of the interests of our significant others. After all, my mother can tell you all about the rules of ice hockey and can chat at length regarding the Red Sox. And, I am forever indebted to my father for imparting a tremendous sports knowledge upon me so that I can do the same. It's served me well. But, that doesn't mean that we should change ourselves. "To thine own self be true"...hey, I've never read Hamlet, but were you an English professor, I might try to convince you otherwise...Wait haven't I learned anything?